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I may not want to judge books by their cover (lie) since I can't play this game on my slick modern more-than-2-bit system (truth), but what in the everloving christ had compelled you to make that background image for this page? And where can I find more?

A: I thought it was funny to make a "you're going to Brazil" meme but for Bosnia. I made it the BG image for OmoWin95 because I had nothing else to try at the time. (sets the shitpost mood for the game)

B: I make erratic shitposts once a year on my YT channel whenever I have something I think I can post (you can also find a few OmoWin95 related videos there!).


Because Omori is exclusively on Steam, even tho the creator could had the game in a non-DRM platform, I still think this is the closest version you can find that is DRM-Free so congrats for that. Also making the game in RPG Maker to run on Windows 95 is wild, I mean... Run on Win98 could be something, but on 95? Probably people is raising questions like "Why?" And "Does it really run on 95? I should test it..." and there you have, the marketing for the game... It's genius..

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes! Exactly that! (I also, as of a few days ago, actually DID get this game running on real hardware with Windows 95)


Cool bug facts, It's actually a lot harder to actually get a Windows 95 system running than getting another Windows 9X OS like 98 or Millennium Edition working!

Welp, I finally was able to set up a Windows 95 system to test OmoWin95...

I mean, the game RAN on Windows 95, so I'm not too disappointed with the results.

thats cool...NOw GIVE ME wINDOss 7

OmORi wINDOws 7 EdITioN cAN Be fOuNd oN StEAm, It's $20 but it's the full experience and has higher quality graphics.




holy shit this is amazing, i've been wanting to do this for as long as i can remember, please continue with this, this makes me so happy to see as an avid rpg maker 2000/2003 user

Great to hear my work is still being noticed by people every now and again, just got the opportunity to work away at it again recently!

Latest leap in progress so far has been working closer to Beta2's release and a small snippet of it appearing in the form of OmoUNIX. But I've had trouble working on the game much farther, and it seems like people aren't really interested in the game anymore either...

rpg maker 2000?


Don miguel or steam ver?

Дон Мигель (non-steam)

Deleted 106 days ago

Danke schön! Means a lot to the future of this project...

Sometime next month I think I'll upload a installation instruction video to make getting into the game easier for more people.

how do i open it

the installation instructions clearly specify that using the .zip archive (the one clearly labeled 'RTP' included) and running the installer and following its instructions. The Install instructions also mention ways to assist with making the game start and run.

Best of luck installing the game!


alr and thanks ^^