OmoWin95 QNA!

I felt like setting up a QnA for OmoWin95 where people can ask me questions about the game while I'm making it. Just a small way to have people talk to me about the game. Feel free to leave questions below!

You can ask me anything about the game ranging from development based questions like how I make certain aspects of the game or do certain things. Or maybe even asking questions based on what you find in the game, if you find anything interesting in the game that you want to to explain or talk about, I'll be more than happy to talk about it! "What is this?" "How did you do that?" ''What was the purpose of this part of the game that you made here?'' Most questions you can think of are most likely valid questions that I can ask about the development process surrounding Omori Windows 95 Edition. So by all means, ASK AWAY!!! (I need the company)

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we will find more blue lobster jumpscares?

The Blue Lobster™ was more of a placeholder image for the parts I hadn't acquired the assets for yet, or hadn't put into the game properly yet. Any Blue Lobsters™ encountered will likely be removed as progress moves forward.